Salty is a taste associated with the Water element and today is said to have definite porcine qualities being a Water Pig day. These include intelligence, so it is a good day to take a course or to dig and look for treasure like truffles or even lay foundations and build a new home. Of course, there are the more popular culinary pursuits and if these interest you more, you will be glad to know that it is also good to start a fire or have a BBQ. If doing so you will definitely find a “Salty Pig” useful as it is a high end condiment dispenser.
The Chinese almanac or Tong Shu also suggests planting seeds, opening a business or aligning a door as favourable activities today, but that’s because today marks the end of a cycle. Following these activities means that you are ready for the next 60 day cycle to start tomorrow. Pig is also a friend of the Rabbit and means that people born with this sign in their horoscope should be lucky in this Rabbit month and year. These include Emily Blunt, Keira Knightley, Amy Winehouse, Cheryl Tweedy, Carrie Underwood and Holly Valance.
Specifically, a Pig day brings wealth opportunities to the earth signs of Dragon, Sheep, Dog and Ox. Wood signs of Rabbit and Tiger will feel energised, whilst fire signs of Snake and Horse should feel empowered and gain recognition. That said, the Snake is clashed and may struggle today without the wood element which they can use by wearing green or light blue colours. Alternatively, as this element is also related to thinking forming a strategy for success also works. Metal signs of Monkey and Rooster should have quite a relaxing and creative day.
Until tomorrow – enjoy today!
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