Thursday, 12 September 2013

How feng shui could turn stress into… Success!

As everything in our world is made of energy, or uses it, Feng Shui can tell us exactly how our environment affects our quality of life. It’s five element principles are applied to all materials, shapes, colour, relative position within a space, as well as the client who is the principal consideration. 

Going with the flow!

When energy is allowed to flow from one transformational stage to another, we live life in harmony and contentment. When these phases are interrupted, stress ensues.

Science will tell you that we absorb energy from our environment and this indeed determines our quality of life.  So do you want success or stress with that? Luckily, our website provides tons of free information to help you balance your space.

Alternatively, our professional feng shui consultation services can quickly and efficiently analyse your home or business and make simple recommendations to help you, your family or staff change stress into success. Of course we will also include natural cycles of energy, which leads us to…   

Warning; Ox signs possible headache ahead?

Tracking nature’s flow of energy through the feng shui calendar informs us of today's alignment between the Snake day sign and this month’s Rooster sign. You only need to have an Ox as one of your four animal signs, or be under its influence in a time cycle, to feel the full force of a metal trine. You can find out if you, or someone you know, has one with our free Chinese horoscope.

Now, depending on the equilibrium of your Chinese horoscope, today can be truly memorable and provide outstanding opportunities to improve wealth, relationships, power, authority or creativity and vibrancy. Conversely, if metal is unfavourable, your chart could be adversely affected and as this influence represents the head, this is where you may feel the stress and pressure build up.

As there are almost 13 million different types of Chinese astrology charts, it is impossible to give general advice. However our free attribute cycle will give you a good idea of what you can expect. We also include advice with our consultation services.

A way of balancing this headache today is with water; drink it, be near it or go for a swim if your day starts to get bent out of shape.

Go… with the flow!

Taking a positive attitude to this metal alignment, the Feng Shui almanac is “smiling” and once again, most activities are favourable. These include meditating or honouring ancestors, asking for blessings, visiting friends, taking a course, getting married, having an astrology reading, buying or making clothes, seeing a doctor or choosing a treatment, emigrating, opening a business and trading, refurbishing a home or office, laying foundations, fixing a roof, moving home or even hunting (bargain, we trust?).

And so to success!

In addition to our auspicious triple alignment, it is literally a “Success” day in the Jian Qu system tracked daily in the book of nature. A great day for planning events or changing lifestyles and is the main reason for our extended daily blog.

I am also reminded that its perfect to learn something new and this seems like an appropriate time to remind you that we are finalising our next professional feng shui consultants course starting next week on September 21st. If you would like to continually “change stress into success”, help all you come across and would like to enjoy an extremely satisfying profession, then enrol today!

We will see you soon.
Finn & Slim Shooey

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