Friday, 25 February 2011

Miss Piggy day

Probably the biggest test of poetic licence comes by explaining how todays Metal Pig sign title evolved. Pig is self-explanatory, so we just need to state that the Yin Metal or Xin is found in the western part of the Chinese compass which direction represents the youngest daughter, hence Miss!

Beginning in such an educational way should tell you that today is an auspicious day. It combines with the monthly Tiger sign and is good for most things including meditating, asking for blessings, going out and visiting friends, emigrating, putting up roof beams, and refurbishing your home for improved quality of life.

A Pig day brings prosperous opportunities to the earth signs of Dragon, Sheep, Dog and Ox. Wood signs of Rabbit and Tiger will feel energised and can get good advice. Whilst fire signs of Snake and Horse should feel empowered and may gain recognition. However, should they feel pressurised releif is found from contemplation, or wearing wood colours of green or light blue.

Conversely, metal signs of Monkey and Rooster should have quite a relaxing and creative day.

Until Monday – enjoy now!

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